
 2022-12-27 16:14:42

Foxes and Ming-Qing Fiction

A thesis presented


Rania Ann Huntington


The Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the decree of

Doctor of Philosophy

in the subject of

Chinese Literature

Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts

October, 1996


The fox capable of assuming human form holds a central place in the imaginative cosmos of premodern China. It stands between beast and man, the dead and the living,the monstrous and the divine.Although there was already a prolific tradition of fox stories in earlier Chinese literature, in the Ming and Qing dynasties both the quantity and diversity of these stories increased dramatically. The fox serves as a lens with which to focus on the literary and cultural history of the period from the early seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. My dissertation is structured around themes of the fox tale rather than individual authors or periods. However, Ji Yun(1724-1805), who made an unparalleled attempt to create a rational and coherent vision of the fox tradition, is a guiding voice.

The first chapter introduces the fox through a survey of earlier lore and two individual authors definitions. In my second chapter, I argue that the literary phenomenon is intimately related to the development of the popular cult of the fox as a protective and providing deity inhabiting peoples homes. Chapter three examines the strong associations of the shape-changing fox with sexuality. In chapter four I explore how that the association of foxes with sex was converted into the vixen as romantic ideal. The fifth chapter discusses the analogical uses of fox tales to discuss human issues. The final step of the foxes humanization, discussed in the conclusion, was their conversion into an aspect of the human mind, summoned by human desires and banished by human self-control.

All of these themes are bound together by the foxes increasing physical, cultural, and psychic proximity to human beings. In the Qing human order has expanded to contain even creatures who were originally the embodiments of alien chaos, but the fox preserved its ambivalent nature, exposing the tendency of order to fall back into chaos,for the familiar to again become the strange.

Table of Contends

1. Introduction Page 1

2. Chapter One: What is a Fox? Page 24

3. Chapter Two: The Domestic Fox and Fox Worship Page 61

4. Chapter Three: Foxes and Sex Page 131

S. Chapter Four. The Fox Romance Page180

6. Chapter Five: The Fox as Analogy Page 242

7. Conclusion Page 289

8. Bibliography Page 302


Introduction: When is a fox not a fox?

Human authors can hardly avoid placing humanity in a central place even in literature about other species. It is a commonplace to say that stories about foxes (or other strange beings) are not really concerned with foxes, but rather with the human world. This chapter will deal with fox stories in which the plot and foxes themselves are not the main point, but only a means of discussing issues in the human world. The material in the chapters on fox worship and the fox romance naturally also focuses on human fears and desires, yet there is interest in the fox itself as an object for those fears and desires. In this chapter I will attempt to go beyond the conclusion that fox stories are really about humans to ask what they express about humans and what techniques they use to do so.

In the classical tale tradition significance beyond the plot of the story will almost inevitably be moral.In his work on didacticism in Ji Yun, Chan distinguishes two levels of possible meaning in the tale beyond the plot for its own sake: explicit moral meaning in the events of the tale; and symbolic meaning which is often explicated in the authorial commentary. The first kind of meaning has a very long history in the Chinese tradition. Some of the most ancient roots of the zhiguai tradition lie in the practices of recording and interpreting omens, anomalous occurrences or creatures which were taken as judgments on the moral behavior of the ruler, and hence as foretelling his fate . The sheer appearance of the supernatural was itself interpreted as a moral message.In the Six Dynasties zhiguai were often used in the service of various religious agendas, Daoist,Buddhist, or Confucian.The marvels served to illustrate the truth of a particular philosophy.The simplest common denominator in such tales is that good is rewarded and evil punished. Plots of moral retribution remained extremely popular throughout the history of zhiguai; there were Kangxi collections which took this theme as their exclusive focus.

Symbolic meaning is less central to the tradition and more problematic. The possibility of allegorical meaning is an intrinsic part of another branch of zhiguais ancestry,the yuyan (lodged words, allegories) of Zhuangzi, which express his philosophy in terms of(and sometimes through the words of) fantastic birds, giant tortoises, shadows, and one-legged beasts. Although firmly regarded as one of the foundations of fiction, (Zhuangzi is even the original source of the term of zhiguai,) Zhuangzis yuyan are not a tradition which is directly continued in the Six Dynasties zhiguai. In the Tang famous narratives which were considered allegorical (notably the guwen essays of Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan) were considered in a different category than chuanqi ; As Chan points out,


Rania Ann Huntington

























当“说教”被用来描述文学作品时通常当作贬义词;这是最好的分开我们和清朝志怪读者的分水岭。Leo Chan关于纪昀的作品是最早用英语将启蒙主义当作一个有价值的研究对象,而不是将它完全当作文学性质的对立面,因为这样会很无趣;我将遵守他的先例。作为志怪话题之一,狐在故事里有明确和象征的意义。我将探索非人类是如何被用来描述人类并且调查狐被认为特别适合去探索的问题。本章将分析人与狐人与狐比较的内容和方法。因为解释奇怪的传说是纪昀的长处,他的作品将会是本章的重点。尽管他和其他作者在很多人狐比较的话题上有共性,但是他是最稳定地坚持给狐故事更广泛的意义,并且他在情节内容和解释方面的延伸是无与伦比的。




Wai-yee Li 写道:“聊斋特别关注把差异性的预测领域归入道德法。”在聊斋之后更是如此。就和人类有同样范围的善与恶一样,狐也同样必须为他们的行为面临恰当的后果。业力的法则控制着狐破坏性的恶作剧和他们同样破坏性的好处,因此在某种程度上他们不被允许使用未经批准的更高的权力去做好事或者恶事。惩罚的化身可以证实狐的地位在表面上是低于人类的,但是当人类可以以狐的形态重生,或者狐可以以人的形态重生,成为狐作为一个本质上不同的条件的意义被削弱了。人和狐与命运的关系本质上的区别是狐是天命有意识的工具然而人类是无知的一直到狐解释因和果。像是最超自然的存在,狐是业力法则的声音和它的主题。







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