
 2022-12-27 16:24:02



Chapter One Captain Penderton: Homosexuality

and Narcissistic Love

  1. Representative of Ego—Conflict between Social Reality and Inner Desires

“An army post in peacetime is a dull place. Things happen, but then they happen over and over again.”(1) The first two sentences in Reflections In A Golden Eye underscore the tone of the novel—Things happen far away from stirs of the modern society. It is more allegorical than realistic. In such a fort as a symbol of enclosure: rigid, dull, monotonous, and with few connections with the outside world, everyonersquo;s emotions and desires which are repressed without exception, precisely reflect the common human psyche.

According to Freud, the ego operates based on the reality principle, which strives to satisfy the idrsquo;s desires in realistic and socially appropriate ways. The reality principle weighs the costs and benefits of an action before deciding to act upon or abandon impulses. In many cases, the idrsquo;s impulses can be satisfied through a process of delayed gratification—the ego will eventually allow the behavior, but only in the appropriate time and place. In this sense, Captain Weldon Penderton is representative of the Freudian ego that is—set momentarily in conflict between social reality and inner desires. He is a very complex character. In a way, driven by reality principle he represses his impulses of stealing and homosexual tendency, and in another, he seeks gratification for his inner desires nevertheless.

    1. Social Reality: Repressed in Childhood and on the Army Post

Repressed in his childhood, Penderton is a spiritual isolated character that has serious problems with conformity. Looking back to Pendertonrsquo;s childhood, we can see that his growing process is somewhat abnormal. He is brought up by five old maid-aunts, who are not bitter except when alone; “they laughed a great deal and were constantly arranging picnics, fussy excursions, and Sunday dinners to which they invited other old maid.”(71) They locate their life wholly in the female community. We do not know why they remain single all their lives, but this state of life provides the little boy Penderton no normal growing environment.

Penderton has serous problems with identification. He lacks a figure of a father and lives under the dominant power of his old-maid aunts, which cannot make him fulfill his male identity. In his process of developing his own individual identity, he has no parents to emulate. The absence of a mother and a father makes him have problems to conform to anyone. According to Freud, identification is the process whereby onersquo;s ego seeks to emulate another. The young child deals with his primitive desires by identifying with his parents, imitating them to such an extent that, ultimately, he internalizes the parental authority—and thus develops a super-ego. When he/she internalizes the demands of his/her parents and, thus by extension, society, these demands become a part of his/her own psyche. Penderton has no parents to internalizes the parental authority but live up to his auntsrsquo; demands as his moral standards. He is never allowed by his aunts to forget that he is a southerner. “Behind

him is a history of barbarous splendor, ruined poverty, and family hauteur.”(71)His boyhood is associated with a long-passed history and spinster aunts who are like the long-neglected history. They remain cold and dry like the last leave clings to the southern myth which will soon be gone with the wind.

What is more, Penderton lacks love in his growing process and his inner wants and desires are repressed, which makes him isolated and depressed. He gains no real love and concern from his aunts, neither can he gain a sense of family tie, which makes him spiritual isolated.

Unlike other southerners who have a deep kinship with each other, Penderton does not have a sense of family tie and harmonious relationships. His only male first cousin is a policeman in the city of Nashville. Being a great snob, and with no real pride in him, Penderton sets exaggerated store by the lost past. The fated past glory demands become a part of his own psyche, but his own desires and needs are repressed. There was no aspiration, no sense of belonging in his childhood. With his primitive desires arrested at the first place, he grows up sacrificing his own primitive desires for a goal that is socially higher—being a southerner.

After he joins the army, Penderton is even severely repressed. According to Freud, humanityrsquo;s very movement into civilized society (and the childrsquo;s analogous introduction to that society) requires the repression of our primitive (but still very insistent) desires. As he puts it in A Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis (First Lecture), “we believe that civilization is to a large extent being constantly created a new, since each individual who makes a fresh entry into human society repeats this sacrifice of instinctual satisfaction for the benefit of the whole community”.

On a strict army post where masculinity is stressed, Penderton struggles to live up to the “normal standards”. Individuality is totally deprived here: “...for once a man enters the army he is expected only to follow the heels ahead of him” (1). What is more, the post is very rigid and dull. “...the neat rows of officersrsquo; homes built one precisely like the other” (1). The structure of the post also reflects the narrowness the characters face: “...huge concrete barracks...all is designed according to a certain rigid pattern” (1). Under such circumstances, Penderton “always wore uniform when away form the post.”(10) As he is always keenly ambitious, he works hard and does not spare himself. His devotion to work and social-perfection fulfills the demand of reality principle. He is something of a savant. But in spite of his knowl




1. 社会现实和内心欲望在自我与冲突之间的表现形式


根据弗洛伊德理论,自我是运作在现实原则的基础上并且力求在现实与社会中通过某种适当的方法来谋求本我的满足。在决定行动或放弃之前,现实本质是重行动成本和收益。在许多情况下,来自本我的冲动可以通过延迟享乐的方式来获取满足—而自我最终会允许这样的行为方式,但仅仅在特定的场合和时间。从这个意义上说,队长Weldon Penderton 则是社会现实和内心欲望之间的冲突的体现形式。他具有一种非常复杂的人物性格,在某种程度上,受现实原则驱使,他一直压抑着自己的偷窥欲以及同性恋倾向,然而在另一面他又不断的寻求满足他内心欲望的途径。

    1. 社会现实:被压抑的童年和军队

由于童年受到压抑,Penderton 是一个精神孤立并且存在严重心理问题的一个人物。回顾Penderton的童年,我们可以得知他的童年的成长过程有点不正常。他被五个年老的女仆抚养,当他不是独自一人时,他的童年并不痛苦。“他们经常一起欢笑,经常安排野餐,去远足,周日邀请其他的女仆来一起共餐。” Penderton的童年一直生活在完全女性的社区。我们不知道为什么他们都保持单身生活,但是很显然这样的生活状态营造了小男孩Penderton没有正常的成长的环境。



因此Penderton并不像其他南方人一样对彼此友好,因此Penderton在与人相处的时候没有一个和谐的关系以及家庭关系。他唯一的一个男性表哥是那什维尔市的一名警察。作为一个极其势利且没有任何值得骄傲的人,Penderton 极度的夸大他所失去的过去。他把自己过去的那些“荣耀”视为自己心灵的一部分但却压抑自己的欲望和需求。因此他的童年没有归属感,没有梦想。因此在他原始欲望产生的那里,他以牺牲自己的欲望来换取更高的社会地位的方式成长为一个南方人。




    1. 内心的欲望:偷窃心理与同性恋倾向


首先,Penderton内心倾向于成为一个盗贼,当看到别人的房子里他不断的抵抗自己想要去偷窃的欲望。这种行为由于不被现实认可,所以他一直压抑着自己这种偷窃的心理。然而,冲动是如此的强大,偷窃的冲动一直尝试着促使他去偷窃从而满足他内心的欲望。这样的冲动他克服了两次。当Penderton还是一个七岁的小孩时,他非常的迷恋那个曾经恶打他的校园恶霸,因此他从他的姑姑梳妆台那里偷取了一个头发收集器作为爱的收藏。27年后,船长再次给了他这种欲望。在一个年轻新娘的婚宴上,他对某一块银子产生了非常着迷的欲望,因此最后他把银子放进了口袋并带回了家。经过这两次的成果之后,他最终允许在适当的时间或是地点缓解他的偷窃行为。即使他的内心欲望被满足,他仍然以适当的方法扮演着自己。为了防止别人知道,他从不使用那个被偷的银勺。“这个银勺现在被藏在他的衣柜里并用丝绸手帕精细的封装在一个盒子里。” Penderton很享受着这种并不是因为经济需要才偷窃的原始欲望。

其次,Penderton还通过恶意的散步谣言来寻求自我满足。他憎恨他的妻子Alison Langdon。首先他不喜欢她,因为她对他漠不关心,其次她知道他的盗窃行为。她是这个世界上唯一知道他这个糟糕的本性缺点的人。她亲眼见证了他在婚礼上盗窃勺子,这个会使得他非常的尴尬。从那时起,他的妻子就把他看成餐桌上的客人一样谨慎小心的注视着他的一言一行。因此,由于憎恨,他编造了很多关于他的妻子与他男仆Anacleto轶事。这些编造的轶事起到了非常大的效果,这些可耻的谣言为Penderton提供了很大的快乐。而且他在编造这些轶事时还特意掩饰这些轶事不是从自己口中说出而是他从别人那里听到的。这样做就更能掩饰自己憎恨妻子而不择手段的目的。他并没有意识到Alison是他的配偶这一事实。在一个严格军邮里,她也同样面临着Pender一样的问题:不舒服的性别角色以及被孤独被孤立的感觉。她憎恨自己的懦弱在他丈夫Penderton情绪失落时对自己的同性恋倾向。Penderton憎恨妻子的方式只是害怕自己被揭穿而采取的行动。这些通过压制自己原始冲动的方式只能为他获得暂时的满足感。

根据弗洛伊德理论,性冲动是那些原始冲动中最强烈的欲望,是对其他目标的升华或“转移”以期获得更高的社会地位而不再是性的其他目标。然而,弗洛伊德认为,性冲动是如此强大,它不断威胁要“回归”,从而破坏我们的意识功能。Penderton是有同性恋倾向的人。一旦满足于收集他散落的激情,全心全意把自己扔到一些客观的工作,对他来说这样的状态就足够惬意了。据说,他曾经有一个辉煌的职业生涯。但是他与他的妻子之间缺乏基本的感情甚至这种感情是多余的。他有一个难以启齿的嗜好就是迷恋他妻子的情人。他的本我一直在为他寻求同性恋倾向的欲望。随着他压抑同性恋冲动日复一日的更强烈,最终这种强烈的同性恋欲望被释放出来。“在最近的几年里,通过深爱着他,他已经感觉到一种情感方面的需求比其他任何的渴望还要强烈。” Penderton最终通过他妻子的情人Major Langdon以及私人Williams寻求爱和归属感来满足于自己同性恋倾向。



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