
 2022-10-08 11:42:58

Interactive Whiteboard factor in Education: Studentsrsquo;

points of view and their problems

Tufan Ayta

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the studentsrsquo; viewpoints and the problems they face during the use of Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). This research has been applied on 202 students in primary school and high school in Ankara. In this study, the quantitative data were collected through “IWB Survey Questions” (Student Views). To identify any significant differences in terms of gender and duration of using IWB for studentsrsquo; views, t-test and one-way ANOVA were used. No significant differences were found in terms of gender. There is a clear difference between primary school and high school studentsrsquo; views about the use of IWB. During this study it was observed that students generally had a positive attitude towards the use of IWB. Students identified teachersrsquo; inefficiency to use IWB, technical problems, insufficiency of e-materials and their wonders about the radiation and eye health as problems.

Key words: Interactive whiteboards (IWBs), FATIH Project, Education technologies, E-Learning.


An interactive whiteboard (IWB) is an interactive display system that is commonly used in educational applications. IWB forms a link between a teaching surface and a digital projector and computer. A large wall-mounted panel is the most commonly used “teaching surface” that allows the user to operate the computer via interacting with the projected image. There has been a considerable increase in the number of IWBs installed in schools in the world. There has been an increasing awareness of the need to understand the match between technology and pedagogy in the development of interactive learning supported by IWBs in schools around the World (Glover et al. 2005). In this context, IWBs have a great potential for learning-instruction process.

IWBs are generally perceived by students and teachers as a positive asset for the classroom learning environment. The researchers indicated that IWB raises not only children s motivation for study but also teacher s teaching efficiency. Classes supported by IWBs had a faster pace and less time was spent during group work (Ayd nl and Elaziz, 2010; Digregorio and Sobel-Lojeski, 2010; Glover et al., 2005; Gregory, 2010; Lee and Boyle, 2004; Marzano and Haystead, 2009; Smith et al. 2006). IWBs have been initially developed in 1990s for use in the corporate sector; they have been used only within the last several years as educational instructional tools in classrooms. There are three key potential benefits of IWBs that are most frequently discussed in the literature: increases in student engagement, more effective visual representation, and learning through greater classroom interaction ( man et al., 2011; Morgan, 2008; Smart, 2006, 2010; Winzenried et al., 2010). Since 1997, the government of United Kingdom has greatly invested in Information and Communications. Technology (ICT) for education, including interactive whiteboard. The government believes that IWB will raise children s learning efficiency. Australia and America have also introduced IWB into elementary education. Many existing studies showed that IWB can increase interaction between teachers and students as well as students motivation and enjoyment (Beeland, 2001). However, only a few studies on children s viewpoints about IWB are found (Smith et al., 2005). We still lack studies regarding students points of view about IWB.

Qualitative research and field research confirms that the use of IWBs has a positive effect on student engagement and can have constructive effects on teacher attitudes. The findings of studies which stated that using IWB in lessons has increased students motivation and class participation during teaching-learning process. In general, the results of studies stated that both students and teachers have generally positive attitudes toward the use of IWBs in learning process and they are both aware of the potential uses of this technology (Ayd nl and Elaziz, 2010; BECTA, 2007, 2010; Erduran and Tataro lu, 2009; JEI, 2010; PILTI, 2009). The statistical analysis revealed that the more teachers use IWBs, the more they enjoy this technology. It was also found that as the number of hours of IWB exposure increases, students awareness of the distinctiveness of IWB technology increases. The use of IWB as an instructional tool has a beneficial effect on student engagement in classroom lessons and led to improved student behavior. Teachers and students believe that IWB had a high impact on revitalizing the classroom (Yanez and Coyle, 2011; Manny-Ikan et al., 2011; Xu and Moloney, 2011). IWB has been welcomed enthusiastically by a large number of primary school teachers and its take-up in schools has proceeded with unprecedented rapidity. Pupils are universally enthusiastic about the interactive whiteboards, because of their clear visibility (“We can see!”), the easy access to ICT through touch they enjoy, and the added variety they bring to lessons. Students and teachers strongly preferred to use interactive whiteboards in the classroom. Using an IWB led to a faster pace of instruction. Using IWBs led to increased student engagement, primarily because of the visual aspects of the interactive whiteboards. IWB manufacturers have documented the positive themes of student engagement, motivation, and appeal to students with different learning styles (European Schoolnet, 2006; Marzano and







IWBs被学生和教师普遍认为是课堂学习环境中一种积极的资产。研究者指出,IWBS不仅提升了学生学习的积极性,同时也提高了老师教学的效率。配有IWBS的教室,学生在小组合作期间,与以往相比具有更快的速度和更少的时间花费(Aydinli and Elaziz, 2010; Digregorio and Sobel-Lojeski, 2010; Glover et al., 2005; Gregory, 2010; Lee and Boyle, 2004; Marzano and Haystead, 2009; Smith et al. 2006)。

IWBS最早开发时间是在1990s,被用于企业部门;它们是在最近几年才作为课堂教学工具。最经常在文献中被讨论的关于IWBS的三个关键潜在好处是:提高学生的参与,更多有效的视觉表现以及通过大课堂互动进行学习(man et al., 2011; Morgan, 2008; Smart, 2006, 2010; Winzenried et al., 2010)。

自1997以来,联合王国政府在投资信息和通信技术(ICT)进行了大量投资以用于教育,其中就包括交互式电子白板。政府相信,IWB将提高儿童的学习效率。澳大利亚和美国也将IWB引入小学教育。很多现有研究表明,IWB可以提高老师和学生之间的互动以及学生的学习动机和学习乐趣(Beeland, 2001)。然而,只有少量研究被发现是关于儿童对IWB的观点(Smith et al., 2005)。我们还缺少学生对对IWB的观点研究。

定性研究和实地研究证实,IWBs使用对学生参与有积极作用,并且对教师的态度也有建设性影响。研究中发现,利用IWB,在教学过程中可以提高学生的学习动机和课堂参与性。总体上来说,这些研究的结果表明,老师和学生对于在教学过程中使用IWB都有普遍积极的态度,并且他们都意识到了这项技术的潜在用途(Aydinli and Elaziz, 2010; BECTA, 2007, 2010; Erduran and Tataro lu, 2009; JEI, 2010; PILTI, 2009)。数据分析显示,越多的老师使用IWBs,他们越喜欢这项技术。同时发现,随着在课堂中IWB展示时间数量的增加,学生对IWB技术独特性的意识也会增加。使用IWB作为一种教学工具,在课堂教学中对学生的参与性提升具有明显作用,并进而提高学生的学习行为。老师和学生都相信IWB将对课堂活力的改善带来重要影响(Yanez and Coyle, 2011; Manny-Ikan et al., 2011; Xu and Moloney, 2011)。IWB受到了大量小学教师的热烈欢迎,并且在学校使用的速度以前所未有的速度在增长。学生对交互式电子白板具有普遍的热情,因为它清晰可见(我们可以看见),通过触摸他们喜欢的可以很容易地获得信息和通信技术,并且增加了他们进入教学的方式。学生和老师都非常喜欢在教室中使用交互式电子白板。利用IWB可以加快教学进度。使用IWBS能够提高学生的参与性,主要是因为交互式电子白板提供的视觉方面功能。IWB生产厂商记录了有学生参与的积极主题、动机和吸引不同学习风格的学生(European Schoolnet, 2006; Marzan and Haystead, 2009; Winzenried et al., 2010)。

在教学中的新技术从来没有这么强大过,最近除了IWBS,使得教师能够将这一工具融入到他们的教学中。IWB不仅是一个符合认知和学习风格要求的创新工具,而且不同智力类型的学生在一个班级小组中。这项最近的技术已经鼓舞了很多老师在教学和促进学习方面去扩展他们的专业知识(Campregher, 2010)。牢记IWB技术投资的增加,有一种强烈的需求对此进行评估,因此,要提高IWB在学校中的实际使用(Zittle, 2004)。虽然新的技术最初是受到学生的欢迎,但是任何动机的刺激似乎都是短暂的。统计分析显示,在装备齐全的年级里面,对学生第一年的成绩没有影响。IWBs主要被用于:作为一个投影机,可以导航到多个屏幕。学生对IWBS在学习行为方面的冲击更为谨慎。一些学生勉强地走出座位到教室前面去使用白板(European Schoolnet,2006; Marzano and Haystead, 2009)。

在这个研究中,孩子们也显示出在使用IWB上的技术问题和缺乏的技能。然而,学生们还强调,技术问题,老师和学生之间信息和通信技术技能以及学生缺乏对这项技术访问的负方面都是问题。研究结果表明,IWBs似乎对在整个课堂教学中使用的话语动作有一些影响,但这种影响没有像那些IWBS的提倡者所说的那么广泛。使用IWBs进行的教学在小组合作上具有更快的速度,花费更少的时间。当IWB用于教学目的时,学生参与行为有显著增加。课堂教学中,IWBs在促进学生互动性上扮演着至关重要的作用(Smith et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2005)。有许多研究表明,IWB可以提高教学效率。使用IWB教学的课程可以激发出孩子们的动机,从而提高孩子们对学习的兴趣(Lan and Hsiao, 2011; Smith et al., 2006)。土耳其已经开始了一个增强机遇和提高技术运动项目,缩写为FATIH,目的是为了发展和推广IWB和平板电脑的使用,特别是在中学阶段。在学校FATIH项目范围内的教室,都有IWB(white board 和IWB结合),网络连接,并为每个学生和老师配备了平板电脑和文件。教师可以使用IWB和白板。另外,学生和老师使用的平板电脑是与IWB相连。这些教室的照片中可以看到图1所示(MEB, 2012)。为了通过这样的项目取得成功的结果,检查在教室中使用IWB和平板电脑中存在的问题和不足是必要的。

将IWB引入教学不仅是当前的趋势也是教育的一个重要政策。许多研究表明,IWB可以增加老师和学生之间的互动以及学生的动机和乐于接受来自老师的观点。然而,很难发现有研究是对儿童的观点来进行理解和描述的(Lan and Hsiao, 2011)。本研究的主要目的是评价学生的看法和他们对IWBs的使用。因为随着IWB使用增加,很有必要研究孩子们对IWB的观点看法。

图1. FATIH 项目中配有IWB的教室
















图2. 在配备IWB教室的教学环境


这项研究被建模为一个描述性调查模型。描述性调查设计作为本研究的研究方法,其中包括定量的数据分析。研究假设是确定是否有性别、学校类型和在教室中使用IWB的时间方面的差异。在这项研究中,数据是通过“学生交互式白板问卷调查”收集的,该问卷由Ayta and Sezguuml;l (2012)展开。问卷问题涉及到学生数量统计,对IWB的使用和观点。这份问卷一共由19个问题组成,采用了李克特式量表反应和对IWB各个方面功能重要性的排序的方式设计。验证性因素分析的结果表明,19个项目中包含规模性质在内,本质上是不同的,并且它们组成了一个单因素,旨在确定学生对IWB的看法。问卷的Cronbachalpha;信度是82。为了确定性别和使用IWB时间的差异,采用了t检验(两组),单因素方差分析和事后检验。对小学组和高中组的交互式白板规模进行比较,采用单因素方差分析法对所收集的数据进行定量分析。





图 3. 学生使用的IWB功能

学生对使用IWB的观点在表1中给出。结果显示,大多数的学生(% 77,2 = 4 18)对它有一个积极的态度,并且他们喜欢在他们的教室配备IWBs。57%的学生表示,使用IWB上课增加了他们的学术成就。约2 / 3(% 58.5 = 2,36)的学生表示他们使用IWBs没有任何问题。62.9 %(= 3.76)的学生表示,他们的老师鼓励他们使用IWBs。关于IWBs的使用,触摸屏的灵敏度问题,校准设置和钢笔工具的缺乏被一半的学生(% 62 5 = 3,62)当作一个重要的技术问题/限制。

约2 / 3(% 60,9,= 3,50)的学生对IWBs放出的辐射和他们眼睛健康产生好奇。79.2%的学生反映,他们在长时间看着IWBs后,会产生眼睛疼痛的情况。

超过一半的学生认为IWB的内容是不够的。缺乏电子材料也是这个研究中发现的一个值得高度注意的限制。72.7%(= 3,92)的学生说他们的老师提出让他们自己准备IWBs内容。

78.8%(= 4,04)的学生反映,他们的老师在课程中使用IWBs,大约2/3(= 2,36)的学生认为他们不能有效地利用IWBs。此外,73.7%(= 3,85)的学生表示,由于教师在上课期间使用IWBs加快了教学进度,导致他们很难跟上教学内容。63% (= 2,62)的学生反映了这样一个事实:他们不能与老师建立眼神交流。

约1 / 3(= 2,71)的学生认为IWBs减少了课堂上学生与学生之间的互动。此外,55%(= 2,48)的学生都认为IWBs对发展课堂的合作学习环境没有影响。

表1 学生使用IWB的观点反馈

对IWB 的观点 我完全 我不 我不 我 我完全 平均(x) 参与水平

不同意 同意 确定 同意 同意

1.在教学过程中使用IWB, f 10 12 24 40 116 4.18 同意

让课堂变得更加有趣 % 5 5.9 11.9 19.8 57.4

2.我在使用IWB上有困难 f 70 48 37 23 24 2.38 不同意

% 34.7 23.8 18.3 11.4 11.9



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